New Delhi: Actor Anil Kapoor during Plan International celebration of the International Day of the Girl 2018, in New Delhi on Oct 11, 2018. On the occasion of the International Day of the Girl Child (IDG), 17 Girl Changemakers from across 10 states stepped into the roles of ambassadors and high commissioners of 17 countries and relayed messages of equality, freedom and power for girls and young women. (Photo: IANS)
New Delhi: Actor Anil Kapoor during Plan International celebration of the International Day of the Girl 2018, in New Delhi on Oct 11, 2018. On the occasion of the International Day of the Girl Child (IDG), 17 Girl Changemakers from across 10 states stepped into the roles of ambassadors and high commissioners of 17 countries and relayed messages of equality, freedom and power for girls and young women. (Photo: IANS)