Mumbai, Sep 27 (IANS) Key equity indices slipped into the red for the second consecutive session on Thursday as the S&P BSE Sensex closed 218 points down and the NSE's Nifty50 closed lower at 10,978 points as investors turned cautious ahead of the September futures and options (F&O) contracts expiry.
Almost all the sectors led by finance, banking and capital goods stocks came under selling pressure on Thursday. However, IT stocks gained due to a weakening rupee.
Index-wise, the Nifty50 on the National Stock Exchange (NSE) closed provisionally at 10,977.55 points, lower 76.25 points, or 0.69 per cent, on its previous close.
The BSE Sensex, which had opened at 36,691.93 points, closed at 36,324.17 points, down 218.10 points, or 0.60 per cent, on its previous close of 36,542.27 points.
The Sensex touched an intra-day high of 36,711.62 points and a low of 36,238.23 points.
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