Mumbai: Actress-director Divya Khosla Kumar along with her son Ruhaan Kumar perform rituals on the occasion of “Ganesh Chaturthi” at T-Series office in Mumbai on Sept 13, 2018. (Photo: IANS)
Mumbai: Actress-director Divya Khosla Kumar along with her son Ruhaan Kumar perform rituals on the occasion of “Ganesh Chaturthi” at T-Series office in Mumbai on Sept 13, 2018. (Photo: IANS)
Mumbai: Actress-director Divya Khosla Kumar along with her son Ruhaan Kumar perform rituals on the occasion of “Ganesh Chaturthi” at T-Series office in Mumbai on Sept 13, 2018. (Photo: IANS)
Mumbai: Actress-director Divya Khosla Kumar along with her son Ruhaan Kumar perform rituals on the occasion of “Ganesh Chaturthi” at T-Series office in Mumbai on Sept 13, 2018. (Photo: IANS)
Mumbai: Actress-director Divya Khosla Kumar along with her son Ruhaan Kumar perform rituals on the occasion of “Ganesh Chaturthi” at T-Series office in Mumbai on Sept 13, 2018. (Photo: IANS)