New Delhi: Actors Karanvir Bohra, Teejay Sidhu, Mahhi Vij and Jay Bhanushali during the promotion of their upcoming television show “Kasautii Zindagii Kay” in New Delhi on Sept 10, 2018. (Photo: Amlan Paliwal/IANS)
New Delhi: Actors Karanvir Bohra, Teejay Sidhu, Mahhi Vij and Jay Bhanushali during the promotion of their upcoming television show “Kasautii Zindagii Kay” in New Delhi on Sept 10, 2018. (Photo: Amlan Paliwal/IANS)
New Delhi: Actors Karanvir Bohra and Teejay Sidhu during the promotion of their upcoming television show “Kasautii Zindagii Kay” in New Delhi on Sept 10, 2018. (Photo: Amlan Paliwal/IANS)
New Delhi: Actors Karanvir Bohra and Teejay Sidhu during the promotion of their upcoming television show “Kasautii Zindagii Kay” in New Delhi on Sept 10, 2018. (Photo: Amlan Paliwal/IANS)
New Delhi: Actors Jay Bhanushali and Mahhi Vij during the promotion of their upcoming television show “Kasautii Zindagii Kay” in New Delhi on Sept 10, 2018. (Photo: Amlan Paliwal/IANS)
New Delhi: Actors Jay Bhanushali and Mahhi Vij during the promotion of their upcoming television show “Kasautii Zindagii Kay” in New Delhi on Sept 10, 2018. (Photo: Amlan Paliwal/IANS)