Papa CJ brings comedy, magic together for Kerala fundraiser

New Delhi, Sep 1 (IANS) Popular stand-up comedian Papa CJ and psychological illusionist Karan Singh Magic will make the realms of comedy and magic meet for a new act to be performed as fundraisers for flood-affected Kerala.

They will perform 'My Trick Is Better Than Yours', where they will try to outdo each other in a unique format conceptualised by Big Bad Wolf.

It is a part of the Papa CJ Happiness Project, an ongoing initiative by the comedian to use his humour for good causes as he performs in support of them across the world.

For the Kerala fundraisers, he will perform in New Delhi on Sunday and in Mumbai on September 9.

"For me, a fundraiser allows me to contribute on a larger scale than I would be able to do individually. Also for those attending it, it allows them to have a good time being entertained while also contributing towards a cause," Papa CJ told IANS.

The comedian feels identifying the right partner to contribute to is important.

"They are much better informed about the situation on the ground and how best to utilise the funds to help those most in need," he added.

A total of 483 lives were lost following the incessant rains that lasted from August 8 to 16. It put 14.5 lakh people in over 3,000 relief camps and an estimated value of destruction which "is more than the annual outlay of the state". This is the worst calamity to hit the state since 1924.

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