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#MeToo movement has educated people, including me: Wendell Pierce

#MeToo movement has educated people, including me: Wendell Pierce

London, Aug 28 (IANS) Actor Wendell Pierce, known for his roles in highly successful shows like "Suits" and "The Wire", says the #MeToo and #Times Up movements have revealed long-time problem of sexual harassment and has educated people who were unaware of those issues.

"First of all, these movements are revealing something that has been a long-time problem and for those who don't think it is a problem or didn't see it, it is educating them... Part of the movement is to educate people. It has educated me," the actor told IANS in an interview.


Pierce said the movements, which have taken the world by a storm bringing the spotlight on the issues of sexual harassment, especially at workplaces, would change the movie industry and the people working in it, for better.

"It is educating them... Something they thought was non-existent or what they thought was an innocent comment, it's actually offensive to someone. It's always difficult for people to understand that the person who gets offended has the right to say it's offensive.

"And I tell women all the time that never lose the ability to be offended. And let those who offend you know that this is the behaviour that is not acceptable," he said.

The #MeToo and #Time's Up movements have been viral since last year as hashtags on social media to demonstrate the widespread prevalence of sexual assault and harassment, especially in the workplace. Many Hollywood and Bollywood celebrities have supported the movement.

"It would be crazy to think that the men in the industry haven't looked at themselves in the mirror and said, 'Let me kind of reflect on how I dealt with women in the workplace or any other'. So it's always healthy because we are now socialising the good part of human nature and keeping in check the behaviour that is offensive, and beyond that the behaviour that is completely unacceptable," Pierce said.

"So those movements are good and I think the industry is going to be better for it and we are all going to be better for it," he added.

Pierce will next be seen in "Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan", set to live on Amazon Prime Video on August 31.


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#MeToo movement has educated people, including me: Wendell Pierce

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