Tollywood Upcoming Actress Priyanka Sharma along with Fashion Designer Harika Rao inaugurated the 9-day National Silk Expo-2018 which is organized by The Gramina Hastakala Vikas Samiti at the Shilpakala Vedika, Hitech City, Hyderabad.
The Expo will be on till 2nd September 2018, Time 11:00 am to 9:00 pm.
Platforms such as this are required to reach out women looking for well-designed handmade cotton, silk wear & exclusive home textile, “Which can see the blend of different style and concept of silk handloom creations coming together under one roof” said Actress Priyanka.
“Main social objective of the handloom exhibition was to promote weavers and encourage and provide a market to the handloom industry. Through these exhibitions, we have been able to create a good market for the weavers and their handloom woven ware, even in places where exhibitions are not feasible. The exhibition motive is got pure silk & cotton products direct from weavers to the customer without merchant” said organizer Jayesh Kumar.
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