New Delhi, July 31 (IANS) Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Tuesday asked the education department to submit a compliance report on whether private schools in the city have rolled back the fee hike as ordered by the government.
The Directorate of Education in the past few months has ordered 191 private schools to roll back their "arbitrary fee hike".
"The department of education has been asked to get back to the Chief Minister's Office and submit a report with details of the schools and the fee hike rollback," said a statement from the Chief Minister's office.
Kejriwal has asked for a two-way certification of the rollback. For each school, the report will have certification by 10 parents and one government nominee on the school management board.
In May, the Delhi government asked three private schools to roll back their "arbitrary" fee hike for the 2018-19 academic session. The order also asked the school to refund the increased fee to parents without delay and warned of action if this was not done.
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