Mumbai, July 24 (IANS) The benchmark BSE Sensex touched a new record high of 36,869.34 points on Tuesday morning with healthy buying in banking, consumer durables and metal stocks.
The Sensex, had opened at 36,859.69 points, which itself was a fresh high, and at 9.22 a.m., it traded at 36,831.61 points (9.22 a.m.) -- up by 113.01 points or 0.31 per cent -- from its previous session's close of 36,718.60 points. It touched an intra-day low of 36,790.42 points
The wider Nifty50 on the National Stock Exchange traded at 11,124.85 points, up 40.10 or 0.36 per cent from its previous close.
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