New Delhi, July 24 (IANS) Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh on Tuesday said a CBI probe will be ordered into the rape of over 40 minor girls in Bihar's shelter home once the Centre receives the state's request.
Calling the incident in a government-run shelter home in Muzzafarpur "a serious matter", Singh set the criteria for ordering the Central Bureau of Investigation probe.
The Home Minister was responding to a demand made by Supaul's Congress MP Ranjeet Ranjan during the Zero Hour in the Lok Sabha.
Ranjan said the incident has brought shame to the country.
The Congress MP also gave example of the Swiss Squash player Ambre Allinckx who refused to participate in the World Junior Squash Championship in Tamil Nadu's Chennai citing the safety concerns for women in the country.
On Monday, her husband, Rajesh Ranjan aka Pappu Yadav, demanded the CBI probe into the rape incidents at the shelter home.