New Delhi, July 24 (IANS) The Delhi High Court on Tuesday directed the state's Chief Secretary Anshu Prakash to appear before a Delhi Assembly committee, assuring him that he is "adequately protected" from any punishment imposed on him by the House panel.
Justice Vibhu Bakhru said that his July 13 order clearly expresses that Prakash has to participate in the proceedings of the Privileges Committee of the Delhi Assembly.
The court, however, made it clear that any punishment imposed on him by the House committee would not be implemented till the high court decides the bureaucrat's plea pending before it.
The court's remarks came while hearing Prakash's plea seeking clarification on its July 13 order.
On July 13, the high court had ordered him to appear before the Privileges Committee of the Delhi Assembly after hearing submission by the counsel for the House panel that the three officers were taking advantage of the court's earlier order restraining the authorities from taking action against them and they were neither appearing nor responding to the queries asked of them.
Prakash has challenged the notice issued by the committee which asked him to appear before it.
The court also directed the panel to video-record the meetings.
Prakash had challenged the Privileges Committee notice directing him to appear before it for skipping a meeting on February 20, a day after he was allegedly assaulted by Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) MLAs Amanatullah Khan and Prakash Jarwal.
The officer had sought quashing of the notice issued to him by the committee.