"Ankita Mondal, a resident of North 24 Parganas's Ashoknagar, has been arrested for allegedly attacking a teenage girl from Habra area on Wednesday night. The girl sustained multiple injuries in the head and arms," an officer from Habra Police Station said.
According to locals, the victim, a class 12 student, is currently in a relationship with Mondal's ex-boyfriend.
"Mondal was in a relationship with a youth from Habra. He started dating this girl after he and Mondal allegedly broke up a year ago," a neighbour of the victim said.
The victim, however, did not have a clue about the impending attack as she was oblivious of Mondal's affair with her lover.
"She came to meet me on Wednesday. After talking to me for some time, she asked me to show her the way to the washroom but as soon as I took her there, she took out a sickle and stabbed me on the head five-six times. My arms also got injured while trying to save myself," said the victim, who was rushed to a local hospital after the incident.
Police, however, refused to comment on the relationship between the trio and said further investigation is necessary before drawing a conclusion.
(This story has not been edited by Social News XYZ staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)
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