New Delhi: Actors Varun Sharma and Richa Chadda during the birthday celebration of Bijli – the tiger that featured in ‘Fukrey Returns’, at National Zoological Park in New Delhi on March 22, 2018. (Photo: Amlan Paliwal/IANS)
New Delhi: Actors Varun Sharma and Richa Chadda during the birthday celebration of Bijli – the tiger that featured in ‘Fukrey Returns’, at National Zoological Park in New Delhi on March 22, 2018. (Photo: Amlan Paliwal/IANS)
New Delhi: Actors Varun Sharma and Richa Chadda during the birthday celebration of Bijli – the tiger that featured in ‘Fukrey Returns’, at National Zoological Park in New Delhi on March 22, 2018. (Photo: Amlan Paliwal/IANS)
New Delhi: Actors Varun Sharma and Richa Chadda during the birthday celebration of Bijli – the tiger that featured in ‘Fukrey Returns’, at National Zoological Park in New Delhi on March 22, 2018. (Photo: Amlan Paliwal/IANS)
New Delhi: Actors Varun Sharma and Richa Chadda during the birthday celebration of Bijli – the tiger that featured in ‘Fukrey Returns’, at National Zoological Park in New Delhi on March 22, 2018. (Photo: Amlan Paliwal/IANS)