On the eve of Ugadhi, Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja has revealed the first look, title and release date of his new movie on Twitter. Titled as “Nela Ticket” this classy mass family action entertainer is produced by Ram Talluri under SRT Entertainments banner and directed by Soggade Chinni Nayana, Raarandoi Veduka Chuddam fame Kalyankrishna Kurasala.
The film stars Malavika as heroine along with Jagapathi Babu, Brahmanandam, Jayaprakash, Raghubabu, Ali, Posani Krishna Murali, Subbaraju, Annapurnamma, Priyadarshi, Prabhas Srinu, Pruthvi, Surekha Vani and Praveen playing crucial roles.
With almost 60% shoot completed, the makers are planning to wrap it soon and release it on May 24th. Fida fame Shakthikanth Karthick is composing the music, editing by Chota K.Prasad, Art Direction by Brahma Kadali and Mukesh is handling the cinematography.
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