New Delhi: Actress Urvashi Rautela during the promotions of her upcoming film ‘Hate Story 4’ in New Delhi on March 5, 2018. (Photo: Amlan Paliwal/IANS)
New Delhi: Actress Urvashi Rautela during the promotions of her upcoming film ‘Hate Story 4’ in New Delhi on March 5, 2018. (Photo: Amlan Paliwal/IANS)
New Delhi: Director Vishal Pandya with actress Urvashi Rautela during the promotions of her upcoming film ‘Hate Story 4’ in New Delhi on March 5, 2018. (Photo: Amlan Paliwal/IANS)
New Delhi: Director Vishal Pandya with actress Urvashi Rautela during the promotions of her upcoming film ‘Hate Story 4’ in New Delhi on March 5, 2018. (Photo: Amlan Paliwal/IANS)