Bengaluru, March 1 (IANS) Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on Thursday inaugurated the 2,000 mega watt (MW) solar power park at Pavagada in Karnataka's Tumakuru district, about 70km from here.
"Karnataka has emerged as the third largest producer of renewable energy in the country. We have set a goal to source at least 20 per cent of people's power requirements from renewable projects," Siddaramaiah said during the inauguration.
In the future, Karnataka aims to be an energy surplus state, he said.
Built on 13,000 acres across five villages, the solar power park is being set up with an investment of Rs 16,500 crore, according to an official statement.
"The solar park has farmers from the Pavagada region as partners and beneficiaries, leasing out their lands for the park," said the state's Energy Minister D.K.Shivakumar.