Mumbai: Actor Arjun Kapoor’s sister Anshula Kapoor arrives at actress Sridevi’s residence to pay last respects to Sridevi, in Mumbai on Feb 27, 2018. Veteran actress Sridevi passed away following accidental drowning in a bathtub in her hotel room in Dubai on Saturday night. She was 54. The actress was in Dubai to attend the marriage function of actress Sonam Kapoor’s cousin Mohit Marwah, along with husband Boney Kapoor and younger daughter Khushi Kapoor. (Photo: IANS)
Mumbai: Actor Arjun Kapoor’s sister Anshula Kapoor arrives at actress Sridevi’s residence to pay last respects to Sridevi, in Mumbai on Feb 27, 2018. Veteran actress Sridevi passed away following accidental drowning in a bathtub in her hotel room in Dubai on Saturday night. She was 54. The actress was in Dubai to attend the marriage function of actress Sonam Kapoor’s cousin Mohit Marwah, along with husband Boney Kapoor and younger daughter Khushi Kapoor. (Photo: IANS)