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Leucoderma a misunderstood disease, says Geetanjali Thapa

Leucoderma a misunderstood disease, says Geetanjali Thapa

New Delhi, Feb 16 (IANS) Actress Geetanjali Thapa essays the role of a young meme artiste affected by leucoderma in Onir's latest directorial "Kuch Bheege Alfaaz". She says that most people don't understand that it is a non-communicable skin disease.

"In the film, my character (Archana Pradhan) just happens to have leucoderma. It's not like 'this poor thing' has it. This film is just about this girl who is like you and me. She is a meme artiste, she talks her mind and is a vivacious woman and happens to have leucoderma and yes, she does have insecurities about it," Geetanjali told IANS here.


"Leucoderma is not a communicable disease but sadly so many people think otherwise which is why here in the film, my character is that of a normal girl. Everyone interacts with her, she has friends, she hugs and kisses, does whatever she wants to. We have showed that it's normal," added the 29-year-old.

Geetanjali, who won a National Award in 2014 for her work in "Liar's Dice" -- India's official entry for the 87th Oscars, said the disease has been used more like a "metaphor to insecurities" in the film that released on Friday.

"Kuch Bheega Alfaaz" is a modern-day love story in the age of social media of two characters -- RJ Alfaaz (Zain Khan Durrani) and Archana.

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Leucoderma a misunderstood disease, says Geetanjali Thapa

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