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Iranian minister slams Trump’s threats to ‘decertify’ nuclear deal

Iranian minister slams Trump's threats to 'decertify' nuclear deal

Tehran, Oct 8 (IANS) Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif has slammed US President Donald Trump for his recent threats to "decertify" the Iranian nuclear deal.

Zarif said on Saturday Trump's threats would not "help peace and security in the region" and would harm the long-term interests of the US, Xinhua reported citing Tasnim news agency.


Trump has threatened to withdraw his endorsement of the nuclear deal with Iran next week, leaving its survival in the hands of a divided Congress.

Trump also called the nuclear deal, reached during former US President Barack Obama's administration, "the worst ever deal" and "an embarrassment" for the US.

"I think it is an ill-informed statement, because certainly, any deal would not be a perfect one for all sides; it has to be less than perfect so all sides can live with it," Zarif said on Saturday, adding the international community could never trust Washington again if it violates the deal.

"The nuclear deal is the result of 10 years of posturing and two years of negotiations. Unfortunately, this administration is going back to posturing," he said.

Any breaches of the deal by the US would result in Iran's partial or complete withdrawal from the agreement, the Iranian minister warned, adding that Tehran would be undeterred by threats of sanctions.

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Iranian minister slams Trump's threats to 'decertify' nuclear deal

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Doraiah Chowdary Vundavally is a Software engineer at VTech . He is the news editor of SocialNews.XYZ and Freelance writer-contributes Telugu and English Columns on Films, Politics, and Gossips. He is the primary contributor for South Cinema Section of SocialNews.XYZ. His mission is to help to develop SocialNews.XYZ into a News website that has no bias or judgement towards any.

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