A police statement said in winter capital Jammu: "Hari Chand Yadav Rao Mahare, son of Yadav Rao Mahare of Chichala, Nagpur district in Maharashtra, returned to his family today (Friday) after 20 years."
The 50-year old Hari Chand was apprehended by the BSF near a ditch-cum-bund along the international border near village Allah in Arnia sector, Jammu, on Saturday.
"He was handed over to Arnia Police Station by the BSF. His family members were contacted and informed about him. On September 26, his son Ranjeet Hari Chand Mahare and brother Shiv Charan Mahare reached Jammu and met him.
"Today he reached his native village at Maharashtra and reunited with his family members on the auspicious occasion of Mahanavami and Dussehra.", the statement read.
(This story has not been edited by Social News XYZ staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)
Doraiah Chowdary Vundavally is a Software engineer at VTech . He is the news editor of SocialNews.XYZ and Freelance writer-contributes Telugu and English Columns on Films, Politics, and Gossips. He is the primary contributor for South Cinema Section of SocialNews.XYZ. His mission is to help to develop SocialNews.XYZ into a News website that has no bias or judgement towards any.
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