New Delhi, Dec 22 (IANS) The CBI on Thursday said it has registered a case against two officials of United India Insurance and others for causing an alleged loss of Rs 3.25 crore to the company during 2009-2014.
The agency booked the officials of the insurance company in Maharastra's Latur and eight motor vehicle owners along with some unknown people under charges of criminal conspiracy, cheating, forgery, fraudulent of Indian Penal Code, and Prevention of Corruption case.
"It is alleged that the accused persons had fraudulenty issued insurance cover notes against sixteen vehicles after these vehicles had actually met with accidents and thereby defrauded the insurance company on the basis of fake and forged documents," said a Central Bureau of Investigation official.
The official said that searches were conducted at the office and residential premises of accused persons at 13 places in Maharashtra's Latur, Jalgaon, Akola, Parbhani, Osamanabad and Pune, and recovered some incriminating documents.