Chennai, Nov 8 (IANS) Long queues were seen outside several ATMs here on Tuesday night to withdraw some cash - mostly of Rs 100 denomination- soon after the central government announced its decision to withdraw Rs 500/1,000 notes from circulation.
While people tried to withdraw Rs 400 from ATMs, they were not successfull as the machines had run out of Rs 100 notes. Those who tried to withdraw higher sums had to return back home only with Rs 500 notes.
"I don't have any other currency denomination at home other than Rs 500 notes. Nobody would accept them from tomorrow (Wednesday) and banks will not work. It is going to be a problem," said V.Revathi, a housewife here.
"It is a tough situation. The vendors may have to wait for couple of days to get paid in cash or accept cheque if they do not accept Rs 500/1,000 notes for their products/services. They can accept higher denomination notes and later exchange in the banks," S.Viswanathan, whose son's marriage on Thursday, told IANS.