Economy is stronger with inclusion of minorities: Clinton

Miami, Sep 22 (IANS) Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton said that the US economy will be stronger with a policy based on the "inclusion" of women, immigrants, African-Americans and the disabled.

Clinton, at a campaign event in Orlando, Florida, on Wednesday, said that sustained economic growth occurs when everyone can contribute to U.S. prosperity and share in its rewards, EFE news reported.

The former secretary of state, during much of her speech, emphasised the contributions made by people with disabilities to economic development and said that they should not be isolated, adding that disability advocates have told her "We don't want pity. We want paychecks. We want the chance to contribute".

"We've got to build an inclusive economy that welcomes people with disabilities, values their work and treats them with dignity," said Clinton.

The former first lady, who has focused her campaign on minorities, repeated her view that the US was stronger if its citizens are united and when the economy is working for everyone equally, and not just for those "at the top".

She issued a call not to leave any "talented" people out of the US economy and said that inclusion will a vital part of her presidency, if elected.

Meanwhile, she also lamented the deaths of Terence Crutcher in Oklahoma, and Keith Lamont Scott in North Carolina, saying that the deaths at the hands of the police of African-American men must end.

"There is still much we don't know about what happened in both incidents but we do know that we have two more names to add to the list of African-Americans killed by police officers. It's unbearable, and it needs to become intolerable," Clinton said.

Clinton and her Republican rival Donald Trump are virtually tied in the voter surveys in Florida, one of the country's most diverse states and expected to be one of the most crucial in the November 8 elections.

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