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Elephant kills Italian tourist in Kenya

Elephant kills Italian tourist in KenyaNairobi, Sep 19 (IANS/AKI) A large elephant trampled an Italian tourist to death as he tried to photograph the animal at a water hole in the Tsavo National Park in Kenya, it was reported on Monday.

The 66-year-old man, Fernando Mocclola, died soon after he was attacked on Sunday at the Kulalu Ranch near the coastal resort of Malindi, where he was staying with his wife, Capital News radio station said.

"He excused himself from breakfast with his wife, went to the water point and started taking pictures," the radio quoted Malindi Police chief Muchangi Mutava as saying.


"This provoked the jumbo elephant, which charged towards him and attacked him, seriously wounding him," Mutava added.

Mocclola was pronounced dead at Kulalu ranch's Swara camp before he could be airlifted to hospital, according to Capital News.

Tsavo National Park is one of Kenya's major tourist destinations due to its wide range of wildlife.

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