US seeks stronger sanctions against North Korea

Seoul, Sep 13 (IANS) The US with other countries sought to impose more sanctions on North Korea after its latest nuclear test, said an official on Tuesday in Seoul.

US State Department's Special Representative for North Korea Policy Sung Kim said Washington will try to seek approval for a new, strong resolution in the UN Security Council as soon as possible to include tougher sanctions on Pyongyang, Efe news reported.

The US envoy alluded to the need "to demonstrate to North Korea that there are indeed serious consequences for its unlawful and dangerous actions".

Pyongyang on Friday carried out its fifth and most powerful atomic test, in which it allegedly detonated nuclear warheads that can be attached to its missiles.

According to the US envoy, the test "has strengthened, bolstered international resolve to hold the North Korea accountable".

Following the nuclear test by Pyongyang, the UN Security Council issued a harsh statement condemning the act, and began preparations to draw up a new resolution to punish North Korea and force it to abandon its development of nuclear weapons.

The UN in March issued Resolution 2270, which imposed harsh commercial sanctions on Pyongyang, as a response to its fourth nuclear test and the launch of a space rocket carrying missile technology in January.

Although the latest sanctions imposed tough blocks on North Korea's financial transactions abroad, Pyongyang has reaffirmed its willingness to further develop atomic weapons to guarantee its "survival".

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