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Fans of ‘Saw’ franchise invested in ‘Sadhuram 2’: director

Fans of 'Saw' franchise invested in 'Sadhuram 2': director

Chennai, Sep 12 (IANS) Director Sumanth Radhakrishnan's forthcoming Tamil "philanthropical" thriller "Sadhuram 2", a crowd-funded film, is made from the contribution of fans of James Wan's "Saw" franchise.

The film, which releases in cinemas on Friday, is inspired by American psychological thriller "Saw".


"It was really difficult to get the film made because nobody believed in it. Nobody in India could watch 'Saw' on the big screen, so when some fans of the movie heard about my film; they came forward to support it," Sumanth told IANS.

Nearly 30 people contributed to the making of the film.

While admitting that the film is based on "Saw", Sumanth clarified it's not a frame-to-frame rip-off.

"We have given credit to the original. My music director Girish met someone from the team of 'Saw' long back and authorisation was given to make the film. We haven't made anything as gory as 'Saw', because frankly you can't, given our censorship rules," he said.

"Even though we've followed the same template used in 'Saw', we've managed to tone down everything. People who loved 'Saw' and films that fall in the same league will love ours too. We've made an honest film," he added.

When asked why the film is being promoted as a "philanthropical" thriller, he explained, "It's because it has social consciousness elements attached to it. It belongs to a completely new genre and we're eager to know how audiences react to it."

The film stars Yog Japee, Kaushik, Riaz and Sanam Shetty.

"We are releasing the film as 'Sadhuram 2' because it has an ambiguous beginning and ambiguous end, but it won't be confusing. Hence, we decided to go with this title," he said.

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