Addressing the Lok Sabha as soon as it reassembled after the weekend break, Mahajan said taking audio video footage of security zones in the parliament by Punjab's Sangrur MP Mann on July 21 and putting them on social networking site was improper.
It put "security of the parliament in peril", Mahajan added.
Mann has been asked to appear before the panel by 10.30 a.m. of July 26 (Tuesday) and make his submission.
The Speaker said the panel should submit its report by August 3 and till then Mann was "advised" not to attend the session.
Describing parliament as "sanctum sanctorum" of democracy, Mahajan recalled that on December 13, 2001, security personnel had sacrificed their lives protecting the parliament and after that entire security system was reviewed and overhauled.
Therefore, the "act of the member" has put the security of the parliament in peril, she said.
Mahajan said she had consulted leaders of all political parties and everyone supported her actions on this issue.
Mahajan has formed the nine member panel headed by Bharatiya Janata Party MP Kirit Somaiya which includes Anandrao Adsul (Shiv Sena), Meenakshi Lekhi, Satya Pal Singh (both BJP), B Mahtab (Biju Janata Dal), Ratna De Nag (Trinamool) and K. C. Venugopal (Congress) and other members.
The panel has also been asked to "suggest remedial measures" so that such episodes are not repeated.
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