Priced at Rs 6,899, Lava X17 is equipped with enhanced 5MP selfie camera with dual LED flash. The device offers excellent camera hardware and software combination to capture pictures even in low-light conditions.
It has a vibrant 5-inch HD IPS display running on Android Marshmallow 6.0. The device is equipped with 4G connectivity with VoLTE compatibility, keyboard supporting 12 Indian languages, powerful 2350 mAh battery with power saving mode and dual SIM support.
Lava X50, on the other hand, has 5.5-inch HD IPS display with a glossy back cover finish and it comes with a guaranteed upgrade to Android 6.0 Marshmallow.
Priced at Rs 8,699, X50 sports an 8MP rear camera along with 5MP selfie camera. The devices also features full HD (1080p) video playback and recording and a powerful 2800 mAh battery.
Both the devices are powered by a 1.3 GHz Quad-Core Processor coupled with 1GB RAM and 2GB RAM for X17 and X50, respectively.
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