Categories: Media National

Most Indians want social media to remove offensive content

New Delhi, July 9 (IANS) Eighty nine percent of Indians who responded to a survey wanted social media companies to pro-actively remove offensive content from their platforms.

Asked if they thought that social media platforms should remove offensive, hate and rumour-based content pro-actively, 89 percent of 14,395 respondents said: 'Yes,' according to a statement by LocalCircles India Pvt Ltd, which describes itself as "social media for communities, governance and urban daily life".

The same percentage of 14,790 respondents said the same code of conduct as regards offensive content that social media companies follow in the European Union should also be applied to India.

And 78 percent of 14,665 respondents said that Twitter and other social media companies should be responsible for taking action against accounts engaged in harassment, trolling and abuse of others.

The survey found that majority of people want that objectionable content should be removed within 24 hours and believe such moves will make social media in India safer and better, said the LocalCircles statement.

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