New Delhi, June 20 (IANS) The CBI on Tuesday told the Delhi High Court that Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh's children were called for questioning in the disproportionate case against him as witnesses and the agency has no plans to detain them.
Recording the submissions of the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) that it will not arrest Vikramaditya Singh and Aprajita Kumari, children of Virbhadra, Justice P.S. Teji disposed of their pleas seeking protection from arrest after CBI called them for questioning on Monday and Tuesday.
A case was registered on September 23 last year under the Prevention of Corruption Act against Singh, his wife Pratibha Singh, Life Insurance Corporation agent Anand Chauhan and associate Chunni Lal after a preliminary inquiry allegedly found that Virbhadra Singh accumulated assets worth Rs 6.03 crore, in his and his family members' names, which were disproportionate to his known sources of income.
Aprajita and Vikramaditya told the court that their father and mother have been named as accused in the FIR along with others, but they have not been named. They told the court that they will join the investigation but they apprehend that CBI can detain them.
Virbhadra was recently questioned by CBI in connection with the case.