New Delhi, June 15 (IANS) Railway Minister Suresh Prabhu on Wednesday launched an integrated social media platform for redressing the grievances of passengers.
Even as the Ministry of Railways is already active on various social media platforms, the passengers can now officially lodge their complaints on Facebook and Twitter.
"Indian Railways will interact with passengers through Facebook and Twitter for prompt redressal of their grievances and strengthen our efforts of being responsive and passenger-oriented," Prabhu told reporter here.
He also said there would also be a dedicated app for grievances redressal and ticketing shortly.
"The complaints will be forwarded to the Divisional Railways Manager (DRM) concerned. The action taken by the DRM will be posted on the same page. The entire system will be monitored by Railway Board, an official statement said.
The management information system report generated through this platform will be used for the improvement of railway services, it added.