Chewbacca mask woman’s video most watched on Facebook Live

New York, May 21 (IANS) The video of a woman trying on a Chewbacca mask has become the most-watched video on Facebook Live ever, a media report said on Saturday.

Candace Payne's "It's the simple joys in life..." video got over 50 million views and over 1.4 million shares after it was posted on the live streaming site, technology website Tech Insider reported.

"I'd like to say that I bought this for my son that would really, really want it," Payne said in the beginning of the livestream.

"However, this is mine. At the end of the day, this is mine that I bought and I'm going to keep it for my own!"

The mask made the cry of a Wookiee when the mouth was opened. The sound made Payne laugh even harder, which in turn opened the mask's mouth wider and made the sound play again.

Many of the commenters said they "can't stop laughing" or how much they loved her "pure inner joy". Others called it the "happiest video [they'd] ever seen".

Besides video hosting sites like VidMe and YouTube, Payne's video was also posted on Reddit where Peter Mayhew, the man who famously played Chewbacca in the "Star Wars" films, commented: "Absolutely wonderful! Cheers, Peter Mayhew".

Previously, the most watched video on Facebook Live was a BuzzFeed video about smashing watermelons, which received over 10 million views.

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