Barbara Berlusconi pregnant

Milan, May 4 (IANS/AKI) Former Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi's daughter Barbara Berlusconi is expecting her third child, she told weekly gossip magazine Chi on Wednesday.

Barbara, vice president and managing director of Serie A side AC Milan, has two sons, Alessandro, 8, and Eduardo, 6 with her former partner, Italian banker Giorgio Valaguzza.

Barbara has been in a relationship since 2013 with Lorenzo Guerrieri, the father-to-be of Barbara's third child.

The eldest daughter from her father's second marriage, she previously romanced Brazilian footballer Alessandro Pato.

Barbara's younger sister Eleonora is expecting her second child with her partner, English model Guy Binns, Berlusconi announced in April.

The 79-year-old billionaire media mogul, who has five children from his two marriages, already has nine grandchildren.

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