Ranchi, April 28 (IANS) Biker gangs have created panic among the people of Ranchi, Jamshedpur, Dhanbad and other Jharkhand districts with incidents taking place almost every other day. On Thursday, Rs.7 lakh were looted in Dhanbad.
Two unidentified motorbike-borne miscreants looted Rs.7 lakh from a staffer of a construction company in Jharkhand's coal city of Dhanbad on Thursday, police said. He had withdrawn the money from a private bank and was going to office.
The criminals came on a motorbike and snatched his bag full of money near Sriram Plaza in Dhanbad district, around 240 km from Ranchi.
In another incident in Jamshedpur, criminals looted Rs.2 lakh from a person.
On Wednesday, Rs.6 lakh were looted in Dhanbad by criminals.
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