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US can’t overthrow Latin American governments: Sanders

US can't overthrow Latin American governments: Sanders

Washington, April 19 (IANS) Democratic Party presidential candidate Bernie Sanders said that the interventionist US policy towards Latin America must be ended in order to begin a new period based on "mutual respect".

In a conversation with Rene Perez, the lead singer of Puerto Rican group Calle 13, which was recorded on video and released by his campaign on Monday, Sanders proclaimed to be the "only" candidate with a vision of diplomatic relations with Latin American countries, EFE news reported.

"We must be honest. The history of the US towards Latin America has been about a powerful nation with the world's strongest army saying: We do not like this government, we will overthrow them," said the Vermont senator.


"The US cannot continue intervening in Latin America and overthrow governments or trying to destabilise them for economic reasons," he added.

Sanders, competing with former secretary of state Hillary Clinton for the Democratic Party nomination, said that he will promote "a new relationship (with Latin America) based on mutual respect" and criticised that so far, the current Administration headed by President Barack Obama has not done so.

"You are the only candidate who talks about this," Perez said, to which Sanders replied, "I am."

Perez also talked about Clinton's relationship with former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, who is linked to the dictatorships in the southern part of South America in the '70s.

"I do not understand how a Latino can support the same candidate who supports Kissinger, considering how much damage he did to Latin America," the singer said.

Sanders agreed with Puerto Rican singer that Kissinger "did hurt" Latin America.

Sanders and Clinton are facing off in the crucial primary in the state of New York on Tuesday, where the former Secretary of state is the favourite, according to most surveys.

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