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China launches first cyber-security organisation

China launches first cyber-security organisation

Beijing, March 26 (IANS) China has launched its first cyber security public organisation aimed at better safeguarding national cyber security and guiding internet companies in perform their duties, the media reported on Saturday.

The CyberSecurity Association of China, launched in Beijing on Friday, consists of academic institutes, individuals and internet companies including Tencent and popular internet security company Qihu 360, the Global Times reported.

The organisation will focus on promoting self-discipline in the industry, accelerating the establishment of industry standards and cyber security studies and participating in international cooperation.


During the launch, Wang Xiujun, deputy director of the China Administration of Cyberspace, the country's internet regulator, said that she hoped the association could emphasize on safeguarding the country's internet security and building up China as an internet power, while attracting more cutting-edge cyber security enterprises and talent to enhance the industry's authority.

In February, China launched its first special fund for cyber security with an initial capital of 300 million yuan ($46 million) to realise the nation's strategic goal of becoming a strong internet power.

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