Resignation of Belgian ministers rejected

Brussels, March 24 (IANS) Belgian Interior Minister Jan Jambon and Justice Minister Koen Geens presented their resignations, but their offers were declined by Prime Minister Charles Michel, media reports said on Thursday.

Jambon and Geens reportedly offered to resign amid mounting concern that Belgium failed to act on warnings about Ibrahim el-Bakraoui before he blew himself up at the Brussels airport, according to The Guardian.

Their offers were declined by Michel, Jan Jambon told Le Soir.

Xinhua said the decision of the ministers followed the revelation of a file about Brussels airport bomber el-Bakraoui. He was convicted in Belgium and released on parole that he did not respect. El-Bakraoui was then arrested in Turkey on the Syrian border in 2015.

With his extradition having not been sought by Belgium, El Bakraoui was deported to the Netherlands in the summer of 2015.

Two suspects of the attacks remain at large and the country remains on alert.

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