Tollywood Hero Nagarjuna , right now busy with the promotions of his latest film Oopiri which is released this Friday. After the release of Oopiri , Nagarjuna will hit the gym to lose weight for his upcoming devotional film, Om Namo Venkatesa which will be directed by veteran director Raghavendra Rao. The ace director wants a slightly leaner look for Nagarjuna in the film.
The movie is titled ‘Om Namo Venkatesa’ which is a film on Lord Venkateswara Swamy and his disciple, Hathi Rambabaji. The music sittings of the film began in Tirupati few days ago with Keeravani who scored music for all the devotional films in Nagarjuna and Raghavendra Rao’s combination. The script work of the movie is almost complete and the film will start rolling in May.
A.Mahesh Reddy who produced Nagarjuna’s Shirdi Sai may also produce this film under his AMR Sai Krupa Entertainments banner. Nagarjuna is treading experimental path since Manam. He is making sure he comes out with different films. He is confident that this Om Namo Venkatesa will become another classic.
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