Kolkata policeman misnames girl, faces stern action

Kolkata, March 7 (IANS) The West Bengal Commission for Women is seeking punishment for a police officer for causing "great offence" to a 15-year-old girl and her family by misnaming her as "Dharshita" (Bengali for a rape victim) in their records.

Atanu Panihrahi, a sub-inspector of Kolkata Police, recorded "Dharshita Chakraborty" as the name of the teenaged daughter of a landlord against whom his tenant has filed a complaint.

The father said he was offended to find the wrong name when he received a copy of the complaint. He said he then met Panigrahi to get the name corrected, but the officer ridiculed him and told him that "the girl has got a new name".

The father said he then made a complaint to the state Women's Commission.

Panigrahi has denied the charge, saying he recorded the name as used by the complainant.

"What can be more alarming than seeing the police themselves violating rights with such impunity?" commission chairperson Sunanda Mukherjee said.

"This warrants a stern and exemplary action so that it's never repeated," she said.

Mukherjee said the Commission will be writing to the state home secretary, the director general of the police, and the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR), seeking action against Panigrahi.

Deputy Commissioner of Police Akhilesh Chaturvedi said the police were looking into the matter.

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