Millennials may not be too lazy to eat cereal!

New York, March 1 (IANS) Countering a recent report that said millennials have cut down cereal consumption as it requires doing the dishes after eating, a new article in Live Science suggests that the youth may be eating less cereal but not because they are lazy.

A New York Times food column on cereal last week reported that 40 percent of millennials said cereal is an inconvenient food because it requires clean-up after eating.

The report led to an eruption of internet outrage with many even mocking fun at millennials for their behaviour.

“Overall, only six percent of all consumers say they're eating less cereal than the year before, according to the same Mintel marketing report that included the 40 percent statistic,” the Live Science reported.

“And the report did not directly link millennials' feelings about convenience with declines in cereal consumption,” it said.

Moreover, according to analysts, sales in cereals could also fall because people are more conscious about avoiding carbohydrates consumption.

The Mintel report, released in August 2015, drew its data from a survey of 1,912 participants aged 18 or older.

These participants were asked, "Which of the following statements about cold or hot cereal do you agree with?" One option was "Cereal is inconvenient because I have to clean dishes after preparing it."

Thirty-nine percent of millennials (those born between about 1980 and 2000) said they agreed, as did 17 percent of Generation Xers (born between the mid-1960s and 1980) and 10 percent of baby boomers (born between 1946 and 1964).

Millennials were also more likely than other generations to agree that cereal should be more portable.

“But neither question addressed whether millennials were eating less cereal because of the inconvenience factor,” the Live Science report said.

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