Japan to release cards featuring manhole cover designs

Tokyo, March 1 (IANS) A Japanese sewage firm is set to launch next month collectable cards featuring pictures of manhole covers with unique designs.

The unusual project led by GKP, a group including officials from local governments and the infrastructure ministry’s sewage management department, the cards will be distributed for free, the Japn Times reported on Tuesday.

Pictures of the manholes will be on one side of the cards, which are roughly business card size, while explanations about their designs will feature on the reverse side.

The manhole designs differ from area to area, and often feature flowers and animals used as symbols in respective communities.

According to Hideto Yamada, 40, a member of GKP, such manhole covers are gradually gaining popularity.

The manhole cover designs are decided after asking the public for ideas, or through a competition among manufacturers of manhole covers.

The first batch of manhole cards will be unveiled at a “manhole summit” to be held by GKP in Tokyo on March 19, before the April launch.

Yamada said he hoped the cards will help lift public interest in the sewage system.

GKP is planning to release a second batch of manhole cards in July.

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