German FA general secretary resigns

Berlin, Feb 26 (IANS) The German Football Association (DFB) and its general secretary Helmut Sandbrock have agreed to part company with immediate effect, the DFB confirmed in an official statement on Friday.

Sandbrock informed the DFB vice presidents Rainer Koch and Reinhard Rauball as well as treasurer Reinhard Grindel about his resignation. The presidium of the DFB accepted Sanbrock' s wish and gave thanks "specifically for his excellent work in recent years", reports Xinhua.

"For the good of the DFB and the football it is necessary to make a restart in terms of personnel. It is my wish to thank those responsible of the DFB for the trust they always placed in me, especially in difficult times and after the resignation of Wolfgang Niersbach," Sandrock said.

The DFB Bundestag statutory decides about Sandrock' s successor. The president has the right to make a recommendation. However, a decision has not yet been made.

"Helmut Sandrock has proven himself as a reliable partner in difficult times for the DFB. Therefore we have every reason to thank him," DFB vice president Rainhard Rauball said.

Sandrock was since 2012 in office as DFB' s general secretary and was besides that the tournament director of the World Cup in 2006.

Previous to Sandrock' s resignation, former DFB president Wolfgang Niersbach stepped down before vice general secretary Stefan Hans has been sacked in light of the 2006 World Cup affair.

The results of the internal investigation regarding the awarding of the 2006 World Cup in Germany will be presented along with a lawyer' s office at the DFB headquarters in Frankfurt on March 4.

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