Hyderabad, Dec 19 (IANS) Veteran Telugu actor Ranganath breathed his last here on Saturday, a family source said. He was 66. Police have booked the case as suspicious death as he was found with a rope surrounding his neck. It was apparent suicide, say the police. Hyderabad police are investigating the case.
"He hasn't been in the pink of health over the last few months. He passed away this evening at his residence," the source told IANS.
Born in 1949 in then Madras state, Ranganath started his career as a ticket collector in Indian Railways.
In 1969, he made his acting debut in Telugu drama "Budhimantudu".
He has starred in over 200 films in a career spanning over three decades.
Although a very popular character artist, Ranganath had starred in nearly 50 films in lead roles. Some of them include "Zamindarugari Ammayi", "Panthulammaa, "Intinti Ramayanam" and "America Ammayi".
His other notable films include "Adavi Donga", "Veta", "Donga Mogudu", "Kalisundam Raa" and "Nijam". He had also directed a lone film called "Moguds-Pellams".
He is survived by two daughters and a son.
His last rites will be performed on Sunday.