Myanmar President Promises Peaceful Transfer of Power

Nay Pyi Taw, Nov 15 (IANS) Myanmar President U Thein Sein on Sunday promised to systematically transfer power to the new government after the recent general elections.

U Thein Sein made the remarks when meeting for the first time political parties a week after the country's multi-tiered elections, in which the National League for Democracy (NLD) Party, led by Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi, attained the absolute majority of the parliamentary seats, Xinhua reported.

The current government will work for smooth and peaceful transition during the remaining period of its term in line with the existing laws, procedures, prescriptions and practices, the president told the political parties.

He called for convening the second term of parliament in order to carry out the peaceful transfer of power to the new government.

Speaking of the Nationwide Ceasefire Accord (NCA) with various ethnic armed groups, he believed that the new government would implement it to the best of its ability based on the already achieved foundation for domestic peace.

At the meeting, NLD party spokesman U Nyan Win promised to undertake the future task peacefully, upholding the principle of national reconciliation which, he said, the party has as always been adopting since its establishment.

Myanmar held historic general elections on November 8 and the NLD has won a two-thirds majority in the two-house parliament and thereby the right to form the new government.

The new parliament's inaugural session will take place in January 2016 and presidential run will follow in February. The new government will be formed at the end of March on the expiry of the present government's term.

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